
Latest foal

21/9/2012 – Bucky Boy arrives!

After keeping me waiting, Wilga Park Tippuhana finally delivered just what I ordered (or hoped for anyway). Thank goodness for foaling alarms; at 12.40am the alarm went off, and not with a false alarm this time. By the time I got my jacket and boots on and walked the 20m to the foaling paddock the front legs were out and I got to see this beautiful boy born. Right from the word go he was ticking all the boxes. By 2.30 he was up, walking around and had had a good drink, so off to bed I went.

I had been telling Tip for weeks that I hoped she’d give me a bucky boy, and the name just stuck, so “Bucky Boy” it was. This gorgeous boy has a sweet temperament, has an inquisitive and accepting nature. By the second day he was checking out the bucket for the feed. By week 1 he was checking out the wheel barrow and chaff bag that the hay comes in. As per normal, Tip is a wonderful Mum – nurturing but putting up with no nonsense. I’ve loved watching him play in the paddock, testing his legs. And I’ve appreciated his trainability – so quickly understanding to balance when I picked up his feet or accepting the strange halter on his head. I certainly love these Morgans that Tip and Cortez produce!!